Thursday, August 27, 2015

Nazar Revised Edits For Ex 1,2,3

Revised based on critiques, additional feedback is welcome!

Cefole_Cover Redesign

Hey guys,

I tried to gear the cover towards my target audience more with this. They don't enjoy bright colors or busy works so I took a more minimal approach. Let me know what you think!


Chris Cefole


For the department article I made a little icon that is the fast forward symbol since that is the name of the department.  I cropped the images to improve readability. And I made two columns of text for the second article. Does this read department to you guys or does it look like part of a feature?
The changes I made to the feature article are subtle.  I looked at how the fold would have effected the layout and then decided to shift the boy over the right a little and up so that the angle of the staircase text flowed up to the top of his head, thus making his eyes connect with your when you look at the headline.  I also tried changing the red of "hunger" to the red in my color palette but because everything is B&W it looked too cheery because the red has some orange undertones to it.  I didn't like the way it looked so I changed it to black and the grey from my color palette and added a gradient.  In my head I was thinking hunger leads to fading energy and fading life so the gradient was appropriate.  Do you guys think the gradient is as effective at drawing the reader's eye as the red was?
For the cover I kept the image at full saturation and shifted it to the left to emphasis the stack of frozen food.  I wanted to balance the stacked vertical image with the tower of text on the right more. I realized it looks a lot more like the original cover I had designed but without the angled frozen spinach and different type treatment.  I also went back to my original logo, my idea with the bars had been to create a space, because the habitat of the target audience (cities) is created as concrete jungles don't exist naturally on their own.  Since the counters of the a and b exist naturally I didn't want to put anything in them.  Do you guys think the logo is too simple? Does it look like its been before because there isn't much too it?

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Michael Eggerl - Dummy 16 Page (Updated)

Magazine Dummy Sheet - 16 Page Updated

I have updated my dummy sheet based on our class overview of creating a dummy sheet.  Additionally I have included changes based on classmate recommendations.


Magazine Dummy Sheet - 16 Page (Original)

Not sure if anyone is planning on posting a copy of their mock dummy sheet but thought I'd put mine out there.  My content will require the 16-page layout design.  No feedback is expected, but if you have a few moments take a peek, please do.  Let me know if anything jumps out at you that I might have missed, should reconsider, and so on.


So, with all the feedback i've been getting in class since we began the style guide, I decided to start from scratch. I still used most of my general layout guides, but for the most part completely re-vamped each assignment with new typefaces, images, and changed the actual articles. The images used now are far more fitting for the content, and I had some fun in illustrator and photoshop with them before putting them in my actual spreads. ALL feedback is appreciated because these are far from finished, so please let me know what you think, thanks everyone!

- David Perricone

Izzy Bains_Revisions

So this week for my blog, I wanted to post two cover editions. I made a few revisions on my cover based on the feedback from last week (cover 1) such as thinning out the border and taking away one of the cutline and shrinking the point size of the word magazine. What do you guys think of the hierarchy right now? Is it still too cluttered?  (Cover 2) I went for this whole redesign, for a super clean and an all around change. I want to add the yellow to my color palette if possible, does this work? I kept the same large typeface for the masthead but added some effects of embossing in Photoshop for my cutline. I wanted to make it look more one with the image than text on top. Also for my rework in (department article) I adjusted the spacing for the sidebar text, adjusted the weight of the word “Overlooked” to a thicker point size.

I want to know what you guys thick o my color palette and if the yellow works?
Do I need to make the typeface larger and the spacing larger for my department article?
For the covers which is preferable?
Which elements are strong is there anything I can combine any thing from one to the other?

Brannelly Cover Rework

Hey guys! So during my design brief presentation I got mostly feedback on the design of my cover. It was suggested that I need to incorporate more color into the cover by adding a background behind the athlete. I tried a few different scenes: beach, gym, park, and forest. I also added the original with no background. Which background works the best and would target my audience best? Do you guys have any other ideas of potential background scenes that would work better? Again, my target audience is fitness enthusiasts ages 20 - 35. Lastly, the masks and cropping will be improved once I download the high res images, obvi :)



Hey guys! so I reworked my cover, feature and department based on Coni's comments and also some help from Izzy and Brittney, Dan, Rob and Branin in class today, which really helped and allowed me to push it much further. I reworked every page fixing the body copy, text size, colors, page elements. Also, reworked the cover. But it doesn't end here. Any comments help! Would love to hear from you! Thanks so much!

Erica Savard - Design Brief & Rework

Hey guys,
I was not in class last week, so I have my design brief below. I got feedback from Coni last week and reworked what I had as needed. I only had to change minor things for each exercise, like incorporating my color pallet and new typefaces.

I extended the article that I used for the spread. my thought on the extension was to bring some elements into the next page to have it coordinate with the spread. Feedback on that would be very helpful. I'm not sure yet how well it works together.

 The other sections are below, but not much has changed.

Tyler O'Brien - Rework & Design Brief

Hey all! I've updated my design brief and made adjustments to everything. Now that these are closer to completion, the feedback provided will be extra helpful in order to bring it all together. Thank you for any, and all suggestions!

Carissa - Design Brief & Reworks

Hey guys, 

I wasn't in class last week to get feedback on my Design Brief, but I made a few changes with that and also reworked my cover, dept, and spread to match my brief. 
