Friday, September 11, 2015

Brannelly AD and DEPARTMENT Updates

Hi guys! I was hoping to get some feedback on these two pages. The first is an ad for Fabletics. I tried to keep it very similar to the actual branding style of the company. It will be a left-hand page next to the TOC. The second is my complete re-work of a department article. This will be a right-hand page sitting next to the "From the Editor" page. Any and all comments are appreciated :)

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Tyler O'Brien - PSA

Hey folks,

Within the inside cover of my magazine there will be the editor's note along with a public service announcement below it. The PSA's message contains details on how toxins could be present in some form inside the food we eat. It faces the reader with the problem, and then asks them to put some sort of effort by first visiting the website. Please let me know if this comes across the right way when you look at it! Thanks.

- Tyler

Nazar Updates Week 9

Hi all -

Some updates, first my infographic that is part of a larger spread.

And second is a reworked spread that I hope is much more effective at not only capturing attention but more visually pleasing to the reader. I feel that it still conveys a somber mood while not being overly depressing as my previous versions have been.

Much more to see in class.


Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Hello Class! I'm little late but here's my progress so far. I didn't want to post everything because later in class I will have it printed. But here is my cover that has changed a little bit, and my table of contents that has changed completely. I wanted to be more playful and Rob suggested spreading the image across both pages and it went perfect!

Lastly, the AD. It is still very rough right now. So please help here. It would be great!

See you in class later!

Michael Eggerl - Advert

My Advert

Michael Eggerl - PSA


Michael Eggerl - Two Departments (Spread)

If you have time to comment, your feedback is appreciated.

Two Departments (Spread)

Michael Eggerl - TOC v2

TOC v2 (Below) - Improvements based on feedback.
Changes (above) include prominent Features,
added copy, more Departments, a reduction
in framed boxing.

TOC v1 (Below) - Here is my Table of Contents layout design.

Michael Eggerl - Letter from the Editor v3

v3 (Below): Based on feedback received.

v2 (Below): Added the department tagline in the upper left.

I know this isn't my TOC, PSA, or Paid Ad, but I completed my "Letter from the Editor," page and wanted some feedback.  It's graphic intensive but also provides a clean and easy to read section.  The page, in general, depicts the style and design of the magazine.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Savard - Revised TOC


I revised my Table of Contents alot. I filled it with more pages because previously I had too much negative space around. I chose to have 4 features and just highlight those.
 Also, the folio will probably change, so just ignore that for now.

Please let me know what you think. Again, I have had some trouble with this page, so lots of feedback would be really helpful!

Thanks so much!