So, with all the feedback i've been getting in class since we began the style guide, I decided to start from scratch. I still used most of my general layout guides, but for the most part completely re-vamped each assignment with new typefaces, images, and changed the actual articles. The images used now are far more fitting for the content, and I had some fun in illustrator and photoshop with them before putting them in my actual spreads. ALL feedback is appreciated because these are far from finished, so please let me know what you think, thanks everyone!
- David Perricone
David- I really like the new cover and I think you have achieved depth even better than the first cover, my only suggestion would be to put a bar at the bottom, my eye kind of just falls off the page and since there are bars on the left and right and the title and mast head also have strokes I want something at the bottom. maybe a strip of ground/dirt?
ReplyDeleteI already talked to you about the department article in class yesterday but I wanted to add that I really like the little squares and treatment of the white bar on the image and the black on the white.
I love what you did with the feature. like really love. I think the images you used were perfect. I like the movement with the shapes and the treatment of the byline. My only questions are how will the fold effect the layout? And is the typeface different than the department article. On my screen it looks smaller (which I prefer).
David – as I said in class, I feel like I’m seeing a real designer at work for the first time. Quite nice! Now… I may have already forgotten exactly who your audience is… but I think you settled on urban young professionals who are not raising a family (possibly by choice) and instead are centered on their careers and lifestyle. I hope I’m remembering that correctly because I’m going to use that audience to help me comment.
ReplyDeleteCover - I understand what Jehan is saying about the lack of a border at the bottom, but for me – the horizontal white bar that holds “The Future of Food” supports the design and frames it just fine at the bottom. It seems to “pin down” the image, so no slippage could occur. The white cover works well… and even though I see no recognizable “food” in the image, that seems to be OK because the image is so interesting, and something is growing in this peat moss container, maybe a future food… who knows. The “dripping” leaves coming down from the top trim edge are a bit “precious” to the design… and just right for your audience. They, themselves, might be a bit precious. Everything seems to be “in its place” on the cover, well balanced symmetry, which is probably also reflective of the personalities of your audience. You are, however, forgetting the date… which could easily sit above the masthead in the middle of the composition in the leaves. Readability will be an issue you’ll need to consider for this added element.
Department: We talked about this in class, and for some reason this isn’t enlarging on my screen as it should, so I can’t actually read it. I’ll wait until I see this again to add anything to my feedback from class.
Feature: Typo in REVOLUTION – you are missing the “U”. Question: why is the upper far left section of the field image shorter than the upper far right (with the person)? Should they not both drop down to the same spot on the page? That is what I think you intend – so please correct that. Consider emphasizing that quote in the middle of the column… it already sits apart (good)… and to make it look even more intentional you should either use bold… or a color.
Looking forward to seeing what other content, and design, you will bring into this project.