Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Tyler O'Brien - Exercise 1

While designing with these different grid types, a certain target audience should be considered in mind. For these three examples of department pages from the Habitat Magazine, my goal was to reach out to teens who like to read in order for them to gain factual knowledge. The age range lies between 15-19 years so I tried to use colors that would create interest without being too childish. I stayed within the structures of the grids, but I'm still currently teeter-tottering on how to handle the textual content on the pages. With that said, I'd appreciate any feedback from the class in order to help me pull this in the right direction!

1 comment:

  1. Tyler - these are really interesting, and are good examples of your iconic/infographic approach to visual design. Nice. Layout #1 works really well, and maybe better than #2 because of it’s bold shapes, flat design, and very contemporary look. Please create a small icon for this Department title (you get to create this title) and find a place that it can appear on other Department pages (maybe corner?). The only area that I think needs some refinement is the lower right - can you rethink this so that Low-Input be on one line? Also - body copy text could benefit by removing that “whole” return between paragraphs. Upper right image could use some thought - maybe either a black (rather than white) background, or use a silhouetted of it against that green background.

    Layout #3 also has promise for a second department page - it needs a title and icon, and some more thought about how the body copy for each item (Algae, Quinoa, Insects, Emmer Wheat) sits on the page would be good. Because of the blue behind this body copy… we tend to want to group the text together rather than the text with it’s photo. Something to consider. Nice work.
