Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Brannelly Spreads PLEASE CRITIQUE

Hello Everyone! I hate MIS as I am sure most of you do as well. I am sending my final PDF to Staples this afternoon/tonight. Here are my final spreads. I REALLY would appreciate any and ALL feedback on last minute tweaks/fixes or any major problems. I am 95% satisfied and just could either use some critiques or some reinforcement on what did work well. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Brittany – a quick looks tells me you might have a few small things to attend to, but overall these pages look good.

    Are the taglines on the cover just a bit too close to her body?

    ToC – having 2 “Cover Story” Bheads in a row seems a bit redundant. Maybe the top one could simply say “Cover Stories”?

    Page 9 – I’m not sure we read the head “We might…” as an article heading, because it sits completely inside the photo it could be a column quote, and the text could be a flow over from page 8. How can you make us know that this is a new article with its own head?

    Cover 4 – the “I” in It’s is lost. Can you move that last line (It’s Life.) to the right, so more contrast is present.

    That’s it!
