Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Said- Ad and department update

hey guys just wanted to see what you thought about my department article and ad. I am working on getting better logo files or just recreating them in illustrator. Do you think the left alignment is hard to read with the logo to the right of the text? let me know


  1. Hey Jehan!

    This department article looks great! Very unique and different! I think the left alignment here is fine, but I don't know about the color black. It feel a bit harsh unless that's the jpeg? But if not maybe try another color or messing around with the opacity of the background? maybe its too light?

    The AD: I think this looks really good. Only thing I would say here is to playground with the movement and make the "Welcome home" bigger and put the body copy smaller on the left side or under the welcome home. Just some thoughts.

    Overall good job!

  2. Jehan, I’ve found myself looking at your Foodie Hot List for quite some time – lots of content here. Some thoughts:

    I see quite a lot of trapped negative space inside this design, which could complicate the easy read that you want to offer your readers. I wonder if you’d consider using justified body copy (and dealing with the challenge of eliminating bad rivers. Creating similarly- sized blocks of copy and relaxing the different shapes in this spread could help us navigate it. Also, something to try would be to alternate backgrounds – in a subtle way. Using this light blue and then a light green (to unify with the green background of the header) so that each section can be easily differentiated from those around it. To be clear, I am suggesting that sections “Soylent” and “Soylzyme” remain light blue, and “Six Foods” and “Unread” become light green. Then on the next page “Nutek” and Real Food” remains blue, but “Hampton Creek” and “Modern Meadow” become green. In this configuration, we won’t be tempted to read over the gutter, thinking the sections across from each other go together.

    Lastly – The header: I suggest you pull the intro paragraph into the dark green background of your heading, and use white type for the body copy in this area. Can we follow this wide line width? Are you sure? Do you need to enlarge the type here, or use 3 columns? Is there enough contrast in “9 Start-Ups…”? Make sure to read Michael’s previous posts about contrast problems, and see my response.

    Ad – very upscale looking, which makes sense for your audience. I see a possible contrast problem in the upper left, I think this will become unreadable in the hard copy version. And… I’m not convinced that “Studio Loft” has found it proper place, and or proper treatment. It doesn’t seem to “fit” in this area well as it is. Does it need to sit in a color bar? Or sit in a block of something less than 100% opacity?

    That’s it. Nice work, you are almost there.
