Thursday, September 24, 2015


Habitat Magazine
Habitat Magazine covers issues regarding healthy eating, childhood hunger and agricultural issues. This issue is geared toward women who are building families and have (a) young child(ren) no older than 10. These women have some sort of higher education and have a career but also have time for their family. Their main concern is keeping their family happy and healthy.
This magazine issue uses bold colors with a pairing of neutrals.

 • Bell MT
 • Dancing Script
 • Headline One

Color Palette:

This issue includes the following articles:


 • The New Face of Hunger
• How Our Eating Habits will Change


 • Ten Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Your Family
 • Underused & Overlooked
 • Clear Difference Foundation

 • Rubbermaid

Final Magazine:


1 comment:

  1. A very concise Presentation Brief that briefly introduces the project. I hope that when you show this project to a perspective client or employer you are able to talk about the competition, the design approach and why you have made these good design decisions. The design of the pages speaks to your audience, we can see that - but it is important to be able to put your aesthetics into words.
