Friday, June 12, 2015

Welcome to NEiA Publication Design_Summer 2015

This is where, as part of the requirements for this class, you will post your work and receive individualized feedback - from me and your peers. You are required to post at least once a week and comment on at least 2 other student's work. This is a great way to get quick feedback for your work, allowing it to progress, develop, and be the best design work you can produce. I'm looking forward to what the class will do with this space this quarter!

How to participate in the blog:
1. Procure a gmail account
2. Send me your account name so I can add you, as an author, to this blog
3. Posting your work also means you attach a "label" that is your name, to your post
4. Post once a week, and comment at least twice a week.

To start things off, I'll post a recent public art project of mine. 
Please leave a comment.

Description: "Every 10 Minutes" art installation
This outdoor environmental art installation educates the viewer about the amount of carbon dioxide (and other green house gases) that the average American lifestyle emits into the air every 10 minutes. It equals .8 lbs of carbon (twice what Europeans emit). The large cube shows us what the volume of this gas would look like if we could see it as a 3/d shape, and 144 small cubes stand in for the large cube to show us what just 1 day's worth of carbon is created by our car, our building, and the non-organic food we eat. That's a lot of pollution, and it's causing the climate to change!

(To see the artwork enlarged, click on it. To return to the blog, click on the black background)

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